Generating Effective Website Content


Regardless of the size of your company, having a functional website is a critical foundation. Whether you’re working on a redesign or developing your website from scratch, you should pay attention to and focus on the content of your site. Having a functional and attractive website will only get you so far. People often neglect the importance of having pertinent and well-written content.

What you should write—be clear and quick

When writing for your website, make sure it is clearly written and conveys consistent messaging for your brand and personality. Although it’s important to incorporate a personal touch, you should avoid getting too wordy. People have a short attention span when it comes to browsing a website versus reading a blog or online article. With articles, people have a preconceived idea of what they will be doing and expect to dedicate some time to reading. With most websites, on the other hand, people want to be able to get in and get out. It has been reported that people will spend as little as 20 seconds on your site to determine if it’s worth their time or not. If they can’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they will move on and look elsewhere.

Be direct in what you are saying and focus your content towards things a potential customer may be looking for. People want to be able to consume information immediately by reading things that are quick and to the point. Once you have written the groundwork for your site, you need to begin analyzing it and looking at it with a critical eye. Make sure each component effectively shows your business objectives and/or meets the needs of your end user.

How you should write—use headers and check grammar

Like they always say, “it’s not what you say, but how you say it.” This is overwhelmingly important when creating your website. How you organize your content can be just as important as what you’re trying to say. Don’t overwhelm the reader with a lot of text. Using short headers and breaking content into small paragraphs can help keep the reader interested. Bullet points and numbered lists also allow the reader to see your key points without having to wade through continuous information.

As with any formal document, make sure to avoid typos and use proper grammar. Showcasing your website in a professional manner will make your company appear more qualified and credible.

What you should include—use keywords and SEO

Rich website content is not only important for those who use your website, but it also helps in generating traffic and getting people to visit your website. Make sure to use applicable keywords and phrases when writing your content. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows people to find your website through search engines by the use of keywords. Keywords are more than buzzwords. You should consider not only how you view your company, but also how your clients view you. Go beyond broad, generic terms and think about what actually describes your company and how you distinguish yourself from your competitors.

Although using keywords is important, you don’t want to do a complete overload. Integrate keywords when they seem applicable—don’t cram your pages with keywords just for the sake of having them. Your content should be easily read and understood without just sounding like a list of terms.

How everything fits together

Content is not something that should be totally separate from your website design. Instead, your content should seek to enhance the overall experience and interact with the imagery you have decided upon.

At least once a year, you should review your website and make sure everything is still pertinent and functional. Go through and read through all of your content to make sure everything is accurate. Also, check any links to make sure they are still working properly.

In the end, everything comes down to having a good and accurate understanding of yourself and your company. Be critical and think about who your potential client is and how to address their needs and wants.

Sources: How to Write Effective Web Content, 6 Key Elements to a Good Website, Writing Content for the Web, 10 Elements of a Successful Website, 5 Secrets to Selecting Highly-Effective SEO Keywords


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