Yoga benefits you can apply at work


All jobs come with unique stressors. Deadlines, customer service or even co-workers can make you feel a bit drained at the end of the day.

A couple years ago, I wanted give yoga try. Initially, my goal was to increase strength and flexibility. After some searching, I came across Yoga with Adriene on Youtube. Adriene has a light-hearted and educated approach to the practice. Bonus: It was free, and I could practice in my living room.

In January of 2018, I completed Adriene’s True 30 Day Yoga Journey. I showed up on the mat every day without fail. I scheduled the time and made it a priority. While I did become more flexible and strong, I noticed bigger overall changes:

Guaranteed time for myself

For 30-60 minutes a day, I could put responsibilities and people aside and focus on the task at hand. I was worried I would feel guilty for not doing the dishes or putting in an extra hour at work. That didn’t happen. I was proud. I stuck to the plan, and I had a feeling of accomplishment. I took that feeling to work with me. I was more energized and more productive.

Breathing and stillness

I was calm in uncomfortable situations. Instead of freaking out over a new tight deadline, I would take in the situation, evaluate the work and get it done. Turns out, you actually have more time if you don’t spend the first hour complaining and freaking out!

Reduced stress and sickness

Winter can be the worst. Colds and the flu, in addition to all the unhealthy holiday eating, make a solid recipe for feeling like garbage. Yoga can boost your immune system and help keep you feeling great. I didn’t need any sick days and seemed to avoid most of the bugs floating around the office.

Improved self-esteem and awareness

Healthy confidence and awareness are necessary to move forward and succeed in all jobs. If you are presenting creative ideas, managing a team or spending time with customers, you need to be on point and assertive. If you are too timid or a little unsure, how will you improve? Side note: everyone is scared and nervous… When you can do something to boost your confidence, you gain the ability to push through and succeed.

The list of benefits is lengthy. If you sit at a desk all day, your knees and back might stop hurting because you will be sitting straighter. The ability to keep calm when I am uncomfortable is not something I learned from running or regular strength training. As a matter of fact, practicing yoga helped me improve my other workouts. As the days get shorter here in the Midwest, this is where I find a little extra sunshine.

Kristin Resch

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